Are we doing everything we can to promote fitness to the exerciser of tomorrow?
I believe we could do a much better job of introducing exercise to our nation’s youth. I’ve been to six national and regional PE Conferences in the past year and the exercise industry is noticeably absent. You will find the U. S. Golf Association, U.S. Tennis Association, Skate in School (in-line skates), Educational Disc Golf Experience, Bowling Proprietors of America, National Alliance for the development of Archery and the National Archery in Schools program, Ultimate Players Association (Frisbee), Orienteering 4 Schools, U.S. Figure skating, to name a few industries, all lobbying for time in our nations PE programs. You will find a few fitness manufactures such as me, a few sports and fitness equipment dealers, and a few fitness associations such as ACE, NSCA, and IDEA, everyone promoting their personal agenda. The fitness industry should have an industry association there with free curriculum, training, and support, as all the sports and outdoor activity industries. The fitness industry has the knowledge, people, and the justification to take a leadership role in the health of our nation’s children, not only for the growth and preservation of our industry, but for the health of our nation.
Railyard Fitness is proud to be one of the few company’s providing free fitness curriculum that can be used in every grade and by every student. Our fitness manual does not require the teacher have any of our equipment, just the desire to provide a fun, functional exercise experience to their class.
I believe it’s time all the different factions of the fitness industry come together as one to promote fitness, not a specific kind of fitness, fitness in general. National statistics tell us about 30% of adult Americans exercise on a regular basis (a generous number) and we are all marketing to this group, imagine if we could attract another 10% or 35 million exercisers, more people for the health clubs, more customers for product at retail, more clients for trainers, simply more revenue. Imagine 20, 30, or 40% more people in exercise, it would be boom for everyone in the fitness industry.
What do you think?