If you're developing a new or improving a current sports conditioning program for kids, the Railyard Obstacle Course gives you the tools and environment you need to help your youth athletes improve their bio-motor global functioning. Exercising on the Railyard Obstacle Course helps young athletes to develop overall muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, coordination, flexibility, speed and power.
Sometimes you'll see strength and power referred to interchangeably when people talk about sports conditioning for kids. These terms are interrelated, but strength and speed acting together produce power in an athlete. Both strength and speed gain a boost from exercising entire muscle groups and whole body exercises, as opposed to weight resistance training. The Railyard focuses on using body weight for strength, flexibility and overall sports conditioning, with an endless variety of potential combinations, exercises, routines and choices of workout.
The Railyard uses body weight and gravity for resistance in different exercises that you can combine into drills using such varied strength and flexibility-builders as bear crawls, inchworms, traditional and modified squats, alligators, vaults and hip raises. Drills on the Railyard won't just increase strength, speed and power, they will also help to improve musculoskeletal alignment, which will reduce the chances for injury while kids are playing their sport.
Two other important aspects of sports conditioning for kids are muscular and cardiovascular/respiratory endurance. Drills on the Railyard will guide kids through continual movements and combinations of exercise that require sustained whole-body effort, thus producing greater muscular endurance. Drills using the Railyard also combine both anaerobic and aerobic exercise, which helps to improve muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance at the same time. You can design very intense drills using the Railyard that will encourage maximum effort for both cardiovascular conditioning and muscular conditioning. One of the ways that the Railyard works to provide great sports conditioning for kids is by requiring them to use their thinking muscle at the same time they are using their bodies. That's right: kids who do drills on the Railyard are required to use their brain to decide how best to position their bodies and perform the different exercises like alligators or bear crawls, engaging all parts of the kid at once. Instead of spending low-quality time in repetitive movement on a treadmill or exercise bike, listening to music or staring at a television, the combination of fun and fitness impact is the biggest reason that the Railyard is a smart, highly-effective, kid-friendly choice for sports training.