Building muscular strength is the most long-lasting and effective when it is done using the entire body. Railyard Active Play provides strategies for sports conditioning for kids that are built around using body weight and gravity for resistance, with techniques that resemble playing. We've probably all done these techniques at one time or another - either on the playground, in yoga, or in an aerobics studio: vaults, hip raises, alligators, inchworms. These exercises resemble play but they're also implemented in a way that replicates normal movements of the human body - the body was designed to move as an well-connected system.
Want to implement muscle training with your kids sports conditioning exercise routines? Remember that the development of muscles and strength is relative to what the end goal is. Athletes, fire fighters, kids at play, and busy parents who lift kids, all need muscle strength in order to perform different activities. These activities all require functional strength that integrates facing different obstacles while manipulating the body's own weight and gravity - this is how muscles are built in a way that they improve daily life and fitness.
Functional Strength VS. Body Building
These two terms should never be confused, as functional muscle training makes you stronger in every physical plane. Focusing on functional strength is what allows a person to squat, twist, sprint and life more efficiently during every aspect of daily life. Functional fitness focuses on duplicating the ways we use our bodies every day and increases a persons strength and efficiency and carrying it out with confidence and agility. This thus helps to reduce risk of injury during daily activities, sports and work.
Can Railyard Active Play Develop a Child's Muscular Strength?
Muscular Strength is important with children, mostly as they become more active in play and in sports. Railyard Active Play integrates body resistance with exercise routines that resemble playing on a playground or outdoor obstacle course.
Unlike just playing on a playground, Railyard exercises are created as a series of movements that require muscles to keep working for a longer period of time. This sustained effort works the muscles to build strength and endurance, but also, working on the Railyard integrates dozens of types of exercises. This is more like normal body movement, compared to just doing muscle reps at the gym.
Kids don't want to work out a gym, doing muscle reps on grown-up machines. They want to get healthy while having fun, and that is what the Railyard helps them to do.
Exercise on the Railyard is fun, and every teacher or personal trainer would tell you that integrating some fun into a kids fitness program is of utmost importance. The jumping, climbing, crawling, and ducking movements involved on the Railyard will provide a child with strength, better flexibility, improved balance, cardio, stamina, coordination, and posture improvement.